A Statler Retrofit is the process of changing an older Gammill into either a Statler or a Statler Ascend.
How will you benefit from a Retrofit?
1. Has it been getting harder for you to stand and quilt for long periods of time? The Statler will allow you to spend far less time standing at the machine, and you can even run errands or accomplish other tasks like piecing a quilt top while your Statler is stitching.
2. Have you been disappointed at your hand-guided quilting skills? The Statler hand-guides better than your current machine, but also when it’s doing a computerized pattern, it’s going to look perfect every single time.
3. Are you having trouble getting all the quilts done? With a Statler you could finish 2 or 3 bed-sized quilts per day.
4. Would you like to have a reliable “employee”? The Statler will be that for you.
FAQ’s about Statler Retrofits
Learn more about what a Gammill retrofit could mean for you during our Retrofit Webinar
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