Creating a PatternCloud Account and Accessing Patterns

These videos and information are also featured under the PatternCloud from CS class tile.

Creating a PatternCloud Account

Logging into a PatternCloud Account

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Syncing to PatternCloud from CreativeStudio and Copying Free Patterns

Written Instructions

Setting up an account

The first step to managing your CreativeStudio patterns is to set up an account at This account will allow you to access the features of and use patterns from the cloud in CreativeStudio. You may register for a free account at any time, even prior to purchasing a machine or the delivery of your machine. 

1. To begin, open an Internet browser on any device connected to the Internet and go to 

2. Select the Register option.

3. Complete the contact information, review the terms of use, and select create account.

4. You will receive an e-mail to confirm your address and complete the account registration process.

You can also find the create an account option in the CreativeStudio software under the Patterns Tab. 

Logging into your PatternCloud account from CS

1. Click the Patterns Tab and then select the avatar icon. From the drop down menu, select Login.

2. Enter your e-mail address and the password you selected in setting up your PatternCloud account and click login. Check the “Auto Login” box to stay logged into PatternCloud.

3. You will a success message when your login is complete.  You can also tell that you are logged in because the avatar will change to a Cloud Icon.

Registering Your Stitcher

The first time you login to your PatternCloud account from CreativeStudio you will be prompted to register your stitcher to your account. Some purchased patterns are encrypted to be used with only your machine. Registering your stitcher to your PatternCloud account will allow you to purchase and download these patterns. 

1. The Stitcher not registered message will appear. If this is your Statler machine, click Yes to register. If you are logging into your account from a machine that is not yours, click No to cancel the process. 

2. Once you have clicked Yes, a Stitcher Registration box will appear.  Click Register Stitcher to complete the process.

3. If you need to initiate the Register Stitcher process, you can do so by selecting the File dropdown menu, Gammill PatternCloud, and then clicking Register Stitcher to Account.

Copy Free Gammill Patterns

Your Gammill Statler or Statler Ascend comes with more than 1,000 patterns. These are called your Free Gammill Patterns. You can add these to CreativeStudio. 

In the patterns tab, select the Import Patterns Icon and then click.

The CreativeStudio Icon on the right indicates the number of patterns currently in your CreativeStudio software and the cloud icon on the right indicates how many patterns are in your pattern cloud account. When first setting up your account, this number will reflect your free Gammill patterns. To copy these to your CreativeStudio software, make sure “Add Only (No Overwrite) is checked and then click Start Sync.

Once the Sync process is complete, you will receive a Sync Summary Report. The number of patterns on the left should now match the number of patterns on the right. Click Close Sync to return to CreativeStudio.